Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ryan's Budget Is DOA.

    Much has been made about President Obama's sudden willingness to meet with House and Senate Republicans to discuss possible compromises as both sides try to deal with the affects of the sequester and at the same time present their version of a proposed balanced budget for the next ten years. Right away I find this process a bit Ironic since the Democrats,  have already had four years and they have yet to produce even one budget for one year even so, I am reminded of the first part of Isiah chapter one verse eighteen it begins with these words:" Come now let us reason together saith the Lord." I wonder? Why is it that  I think,  that even if God,  told Republicans and Democrats,  to meet and come reason together that both sides might meet but not much reasoning will actually be done? I mean after all, both sides have been so successful getting together in the past right? Excuse me, God, just reminded me I'm not supposed to lie. The truth is both the Republicans and the Democrats,  have totally different methods when it comes to balancing the federal budget and both sides will argue  for the best political advantage for their party. I will be surprised if anything fiscally responsible as far as dealing with the budget is concerned manages to get accomplished.I don't trust politicians  generally, because generally,  politicians, have never given me a reason to trust them but more than enough reasons not to!
    Congressman Ryan, has now put forth his plan to balance the budget in the next ten years.  While his plan has a lot of good ideas as far as dealing with entitlements is concerned, I think I can say, with the utmost confidence,  that  Ryan's plan to balance the budget is DOA that means dead on arrival as far as the Democrats,  are concerned. Ryan's plan, calls for the repeal of Obama care and considering all the dirty back room deals it took to get it to pass and the fact that this ludicrous legislation, survived a challenge from the Supreme Court Obama, will not let his signature  achievement be abolished What more probably happen is this Ryan's budget plan and Obama,  along with the rest of the Democrats,  will craft a  budget plan,  will be mixed together to form so kind of a so called compromise. I think I can say with total confidence that even if some kind of a compromise is reached after all the reasoning together is done the Republicans, will wind up with the raw end of any deal that is made One can be reasonably sure,  about that! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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