Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Job Qualifications And Work Performance Matter.

    Speaking,  from the perspective of a person that was born with cerebral palsy and therefore, has been handicapped, from birth, I can assure you, I know what it's like to be different and to be treated differently, because of it.I have experienced discrimination on more than one occasion in my life. Discrimination,  is a terrible scourge in any society and while I never asked anyone, to feel the leas bit sorry for me I would submit to you that I feel sorry for those who allow themselves to think that the practice discrimination is acceptable on any level in a free society. I will tell you that growing up with a handicap is a bit of a two edged sword. I remember when I was in school, if I performed well, that couldn't be the reason I received an A it had to be because the teacher took pity on me because of my handicap and just gave me the A. One the other hand, if I didn't perform well in school, well, that was to be expected because after all I had a handicap. At one point in my life, I might have been tempted to give up had it not been for one piece of advice my father gave me when I was nine that .I have never forgotten, he said, " Son, if you need help ask, if you don't prove it!" from that day forward I did just that I made it through high school and college and while I was physically able to work,  held a variety of jobs and I made sure, that not only was I qualified for every job I applied for but as I did my job my performance,  of said job and not my handicap,  kept me employed and looking back now,  I can say I wouldn't have had it any other way.
    The media, and an ever growing number of Democrats, in the Senate, have suggested that the reason United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, is facing opposition as a possible presidential appointment to replace Hilary Clinton, as Secretary of State , is because many of the Republicans, in the Senate have a presupposed disposition towards racism and sexism. If one follows this line of thinking then one would have to wonder how Condoleezza Rice, managed to be confirmed by the Senate, for Secretary of State, unless one chooses to believe that because she happened to be a Republican, the Senate  Republicans,  were able look over the fact she was an African American woman.I cannot speak to the issue of Ambassador Rices qualifications to be Secretary of State indeed, that is a job for the Senate.I would Hope that if Ambassador Rice is appointed by the President for Secretary of State and as such is confirmed by the Senate, that she will obtain this position based on her qualifications and job performance alone and not because it may appear to be a good political public relations move on the part of the  Democrats, to have to have Ambassador Rice as Secretary of state just because she just  happens to be a Decorate who just happens to be an African American and I would hope that Ambassador Rice wouldn't have it any other way for while I believe she should never have to apologize for her mere existence as I don't I would also hope that she and the Senate would both agree that she has nothing to apologize for regarding her job qualifications or her past job performance. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just,  some words to think on.

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